I just found out my dead step-dad was a convicted pedophile
I just found out my dead step-dad was a convicted pedophile and I'm not sure what to feel
Throwaway account to not tie this to my personal account.
I always had a idea that my stepdad had a rough past after him and my mom got married but I never imagined to this extent. I knew he came from a pretty rough upbringing where his mom wasn't in the picture and his dad would beat him.
My mom and I moved in with him when I was in 7th grade. We didn't have to move far or move towns/school districts thankfully so the transition was easy. I liked and respected him, but never looked at him as my father. We got along but were never really father/son, he was more of a guy that I lived near and not necessarily a father figure I looked up to. He never really talked about his past and never tried to understand what I liked, my schooling, anything about me really. It's like we coexisted or something like that.
Well, there was a fishy instance that occurred shortly after we moved in with him. My mother took me from the house and drove me to my grandparents house for two weeks completely out of the blue. She told me if I ran into my step-dad on the street, I had to turn around and walk away. I asked why and she gave some bullshit excuse that wasn't the truth, but that talk always stuck with me.
Skip to today, my stepdad has been dead for 2 years. I was thinking about him and that interaction with my mom recently, and decided to see if I couldn't look more into his past. I found the official website of criminal and civil proceedings for the state I live in, put in his information, and received a file with all of his arrests.
All charges before me and my mom moved in with him: 1. Misprison of a felony 2. 3rd degree burglary 3. 1st degree burglary 4. Disorderly conduct 5. Simple assault 6. Driving under the influence 7. 1st degree rape, victim less 10 years old 8. 4 counts of grand theft
He was only released from prison for raping a victim under 10 years old about 1.5 years before my mother and I moved in with him.
I am absolutely livid with my mom for loving a man like this. How can you knowingly love a pedophile and bring your only child around this person?!?! At this point, I am glad he is dead and really want to confront my mother for potentially endangering me by having me lived with a convicted pedophile. I feel like a shitty person for saying I'm glad he's dead, but he was convicted of the worst crime I can think of and it's doing a number on my head.
Not looking for feedback, just needed to get this off my chest.
Edit: thank you for the support. The main thing I want to address is that yes, my mother brought us back to living with him after the two week period was up. I'm guessing it was a lapse on his probation that caused him to not be around minors. Even if that is when my mother found out (and this was after they were legally married so I believe she found out earlier), I am still incredibly pissed at my mother for letting me live with a convicted pedophile.