osu!guessr - Guess songs from backgrounds and audio clips!

Hello! I'm yorunoken, and I'm excited to share my latest project with you all - osu!guessr!

A while back, someone posted an interesting idea about creating a game where players guess osu! songs from their backgrounds or audio snippets. I thought this was a fantastic concept, so I went ahead and built it!

What is osu!guessr? It's a web-based game where you can:

  • Guess songs from beatmap backgrounds or audio clips
  • Compete for high scores and maintain streaks
  • Track your progress and compete on global leaderboards
  • Challenge yourself with different game modes

Currently available modes:

  • Background Guessr: Identify songs from their beatmap backgrounds
  • Audio Guessr: Recognize songs from short audio clips
  • More modes coming soon!

Try it out here: https://guesser.yorunoken.com (I plan to move it to osuguessr.com once I have enough funds for the domain!)


  • Smart auto-complete suggestions
  • Real-time scoring system
  • Global leaderboards
  • Player profiles
  • Public API access for developers

If you encounter any issues while playing, you can report them directly through the in-game reporting system. This helps me track and fix problems more efficiently. Of course, you can also report issues on GitHub if you prefer!

The project is completely open-source, and you can find the code on GitHub. Feel free to contribute, report issues, or suggest new features!

Future Plans:

  • Skin Guessr mode
  • Custom game rooms to play multiplayer
  • Weekly challenges
  • And more!

I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions! Let me know what you think in the comments.

Special thanks to the osu! community. You all make projects like this worth creating! :heart:

Here are some screenshots of the game in action:



