Why are we shocked at Ducky controversy?
Why are we so shocked in this? I am so confused. His selling point was worst of worst abuses and people just started liking him, which still baffles me. Be wasn't exactly an ethical and a good YouTuber in any context from beginning. So now when he is doing stuff directly instead of indirectly, everyone is shocked?
He had allegations of being shitty to hotel workers, staff and other everyday people. He was always abusive and gave no thought to what his actions might do to other people since the beginning. He was always questionable and the way people are talking about his recent controversy, is just baffling. He was never a good and ethical person why did anyone think to put him on a high moral?
P.S. never liked him even a bit, his type of content was just overstimulation and lots of abuses which if I wanted I would go on a street fight and get some popcorns.