Update: I found him😭😭

This is an update to my previous post☝️ So, we searched for him yesterday and found him about 2 km away from home.. he was sitting on a tree with a LOT of leaves. It was impossible to find him but we called for him and he responded all the time! We were 95% sure it's him. Just had to locate him and see him to know for sure.

I found the branch he was sitting on, after about 20 mins of looking. Now we had to get him to come to us..he was scared so it was a challenge. There was traffic all around and ✨️people✨️. He's scared of anyone who's not me or mom. (He was rescued by us about 10 months ago) we tried for another 30 mins to get him fly to us, but he was way too high. He had been a pet since birth and his previous owners let him free because he was "too much" he landed on my mom and we decided to give him the life he deserves. Because of this, he doesn't have the skills to fly on tree branches or to fly through them..he's afraid of all of it.

A friend came to help us and suggested they throw a stone in his direction and he would fly to mom..except, he didn't. He flew to the TOP of another tree at a little distance. We could hear him, he still responded to us, but he was even more scared.. We tried for another hour to get him to us, but he was not coming..

I don't know what got to him, but he flew in full speed in another direction, far away.. I ran after him but he was, of course, faster.. mom and I reached the intersection we last saw him fly towards. The friend had gone back home so it was just the 2 of us.. we went to one street shouting his name, no response.
We got to another street near that intersection.

There, we decided to split ways again. I went towards a nearby park in a society and she was finding him in the trees on the main street. Both of us kept calling his name. I heard a parrot scream. It came from the park but I was not sure. I was still outside the park, I didn't go inside until I confirmed it was him. I called for him again and he shouted back after some time.

I still wasn't sure but decided to give it a chance. I went inside the park, got to the middle of it and called for him. He responded. I called mom and asked her to come here ASAP, I had found him. This was evening, around 6 pm. The sunset was at 7. We narrowed down his location to one tree but couldn't find him.

We knew for sure he was on that tree but we couldn't see him. It was getting dark. Luckily, the branches of that tree touched a house nearby. We asked the owners if we could get to the roof and explained them the situation briefly. They allowed us. Mom had to go to the platform near the roof, which was so so dangerous. She could've fell.

After 15 more mins of trying, he finally gathered courage to fly towards her. He sat on a branch nearby. He was at an arm's length away from her now. All he had to do was come to her. And he tried. But him being clumsy, he fell from that branch into the tree. We didn't see him fly, and it was dark now. He only responded once. No matter how much we called him now, he didn't respond.

We tried for another 10 mins and went back home. We decided to come get him in the morning before sunrise. There would be less people and he would have the time to calm down.

Mom couldn't sleep, she slept for 3 hours and then woke up at 4.30. She heard a bird's wings flutter. Went to the balcony with no hope, searching for him. Of course, he wasn't there. She stayed up and waited for me to get up from the alarm. I woke up at 5.30. We both got our weapons ready (his cage, sunflower seeds, cashew, other nuts, favorite toys etc)

We reached there at about 6.15.. we got to that tree and searched around the area a little. At 7, we found him again, sitting on the tree. This time we could see him, and we could hear him. Poor baby was hungry for 24 hours now..after a lot of struggle (another one hour) he flew to my mom's head. We had lost all hope 5 mins ago but kept going. Which was worth it. We carefully got him to the roof, he devoured his cashew.

It took us another 10 mins to carefully hold him before he could fly away again. He was so happy to be held, he couldn't stop whistling. We were on that platform attached to the roof, both of us crying with the little rebel in my mom's arms whistling away. Finally got him home, the first thing he did was drink LOTS of water. Now he's being kissed by both of us endlessly. And he smells of wood, so we bathed him. Here's the chicken now, all tidy, fed, hydrated, safe, and happy!