I had fun playing AC Odyssey (because I had my brain turned off).

Ancient Greece... what a place to visit, what a place to go around killing people, talking to people and sailing the seas. Also killing some mythical creatures.

I like the way they did a lot of the things here in terms of world and enemy design, and with enemy design I mean the minotaurs, cyclops, etc. that you encounter in the world. And the missions to find them and kill them are really good.

Apart from that the rest of the game is mediocre for me. The plot is weak (although it has some good bits) and the grind is real. Ubisoft implemented in this game some "auto generated missions" that are just awful, lazy and pointless (they repeat everywhere you go, and all are the same, re-using dialogs and objectives).

The naval battles are cool, some weapons are good, but the combat itself is mediocre. Some animations don't really fit with the game. You have some godlike abilities and it's really an easy game in terms of not dying. Combat is too basic and striking enemies with your weapons don't feel satisfactory at all, really not a good feedback.

All that said, I had fun. I completed all main and side quests and I don't know what to tell you, this game is weird. Is mediocre, but why I didn't want to stop playing it? Maybe because it scratches that "epic adventure in ancient Greece" itch.

AC Origins had (for me) better story, writing, combat (it has shields) and characters. But Odyssey feels laid back, sometimes sitcom like even, nothing feels meaningful to me.

I just turned off my brain and enjoyed the ride (sometimes while high actually) and I don't know, is not that bad I guess. It has some good jokes here and there, but sometimes the plot wants you to get emotional about some character; sometimes it works, most of the time doesn't, but I enjoyed the experience.

Also I had sex with everyone I could in the game. Maybe that's the real greek odyssey spirit.