How to cover gap between green panels and concrete patio floor to prevent leaves from blowing back in after sweeping? Help!
There's this tiny gap between the concrete and patio railing. The shrubbery panels are attached to the railing via zip ties and cover 97% of the railing height. That remaining 3% gap allows for leaves, twigs, etc to come through onto the patio daily whenever the wind blows. When I sweep the entire patio floor, within 30 minutes there's already scattered leaves etc back on the concrete. o I thought of cutting all of the zip ties attaching the shrub panels to the railing, then lowering the panels by an inch or so to cover the gap, so the panels wouldn't reach the top of the railing. BUT I used an excessive amount of heavy duty zip ties to attach them and the thought of buying like 50 new ones, cutting all the old ones, then reattaching with the new zip ties seems like a big headache. Does anyone have any ideas how to cover that gap with something without having to cut and redo all my zip ties? Like an additional panel or something else? I'd appreciate any help I can get!! Thank you!!