20/F/USA Looking for a couple book review exchange partners!
Hi there! I'm a college student doing a light course load this summer and I have way too much time on my hands. Instead of aimlessly scrolling through my phone for hours, I figured maybe it would be a good way to get back into my old reading and writing habits by exchanging book reviews with someone every week or two! I like books with horror/thriller/mystery notes, and an emphasis on character psychology, but the overarching genre is less relevant. I don't mind if we have vastly different tastes, that just means we'll be able to be spoilery lol.
I take a lot of notes while i read. I keep a little book of sticky notes in the back cover of every book so that i can jot down all of my thoughts, theories, interesting quotes, and new words that i come across. And pretty much every time I do finish a book I end up talking someone to death about what I loved (or didn't love) about it, so compiling that all in a book review could be a neater way to excise those feelings without annoying anybody lol. I really like the idea of reading through someone else's thoughts too, especially if you're like me and have a lot to say haha. Plus, it could be a great system for recommendations if they're spoiler free a d our tastes align.
Of course, having a letter to talk about anything else going on in our lives and generally building a friendship would go right alongside it, but I envision books and our reading habits being the main course. I enjoy really decorating letters and including little doodles and plenty of stickers and fancy envelopes and stuff, but I wouldn't necessarily expect that from you, like I said, more than anything I just wanna talk about books!
So if an arrangement like that sounds interesting to you, please hmu! We can talk about frequency, content, expectations, and potentially even buddy reading if you'd like!