Things do with my dying dad

I’m looking for suggestions for things to do with my dad. He’s 67 and has liver cancer. He used to be a big foodie but the chemotherapy has killed his appetite and he can’t have spicy food anymore. His feet bother him but he is still mobile. I want to spend quality time with him but I don’t know what to do. It makes me so sad cause I want him to enjoy what time he has left.

I’m open to any and all suggestions. He’s a former wild land fire fighter and loves hunting, fishing and Bass Pro Shop (lol). He’s in town every other week for his treatments so something local to phoenix/valley area

Edit: thank you all for your kind words and suggestions, all amazing. And to those who were or are in similar situations: I’m so sorry❤️. I’m with him right now but I will be getting back to you all soon. Thank you again.