help with flat piercing pls
im having trouble with my flat piercing that i got last november. i slept on it a few weeks ago and it was red at first, but nothing too crazy. i would say within the past two weeks it’s gotten really dark and there’s skin raised around it. i use the neilmed spray 1-2 times a day, but it just doesn’t seem to get better😭
the picture is after a warm water soak because my friend told me earlier it just looks like crust is around it & i wanted to see if anything would fall off, but it doesn’t look like that to me?? i feel like it’s the jewelry, but im not sure if i should switch it out or remove the piercing all together?? please help🥲
im having trouble with my flat piercing that i got last november. i slept on it a few weeks ago and it was red at first, but nothing too crazy. i would say within the past two weeks it’s gotten really dark and there’s skin raised around it. i use the neilmed spray 1-2 times a day, but it just doesn’t seem to get better😭
the picture is after a warm water soak because my friend told me earlier it just looks like crust is around it & i wanted to see if anything would fall off, but it doesn’t look like that to me?? i feel like it’s the jewelry, but im not sure if i should switch it out or remove the piercing all together?? please help🥲