Getting a little worried about my baby’s position

So, I have had 3 ultrasounds. One time baby was breech, one time transverse to the right, last time transverse to the left. I had an appt two weeks ago and from feeling the doctor believed he was head down. But I’m pretty sure he isn’t now and I am 34 weeks. I was googling it’s “concerning” and should be in final position. I previously had a c section (not due to position) and my doctor agreed I could try for a vbac. The thing is, it seems this baby is flipping around constantly and hasn’t settled into head down. Sometimes I can tell he is, then other times I will feel the head on either side of my stomach. I just want to hear if anyone also had an acrobat that did finally settle into the proper position by the time you had them. With my first he was breach and around 32 weeks went head down and stayed that way, he was never transverse (I also had many ultrasounds with him because of GD, and did 3d ultrasounds a couple times)

I really do not want another c section as mine was traumatic and I don’t want to relive that experience again.