Strange realization when I relapsed

When I fell of the wagon on Christmas for 3 days, after being off kratom for 4 months I had a very strange realization about what kratom does to your mind. I’m not a heavy user. Took about 2.7 grams. As you can imagine it wore off fairly quickly. Usually within 2 hours.

After the 2 hours wear off what I realized was that kratom makes you crave strange things. Very self destructive things such as fast food, alcohol and just overall things that shoot up your dopamine for a short period of time.

I’m very active and eat a healthy low carb diet when I was off the kratom. When I was back on it for those 3 days I found my self eating bread, sweets, drinking soda and just overall destroying my self without any regard. It’s as if my body was trying to get that feel good rush through any means necessary. I’m off kratom for a few days now and everything went back to normal. No more strange cravings or impulses.

Overall the 4 months off kratom taught me what real life is. What a normal clean person feels. And it’s so much better than what this plant makes you feel for a very short while. Although I fell off the wagon over holiday season it’s time to recalibrate and get back on track. It’s a journey for sure