Almost month clean.
Hey, its been almost month without kratom, Im kinda proud of myself.
Whatve changed? I feel more alive. Ive reliased that kratom, can "quiet your problems", i thought im over a lot of shits, but I wasnt. It hit me after ive stopped taking kratom. I was thinking about taking it, when it hit me. But...its not a solution. Ive fought with my past without it, and I feel more calm than I felt on it.
Some days are better some are worse. I just wanted to share one trick, which is helping me in the bad days. Just sit down and breathe, scan your body, dont judge your thoughts, let them be. Every time your mind is going crazy (and believe me, it will) just go back to your breathe. One of my closest friends gave me that advice. You surely know now its a meditation, well I didn't, Im kinda sceptical guy, who would never ever tries meditation. But its working for me, give a shot, maybe itll help you too.
Keep it up guys.