Chances of rehoming a half pitbull with severe separation anxiety and aggression (bite history)

Hi all! I have been a lurker of this sub for a long time. My husband and I have a half pit/half min pin mix that is 8 years old. We got her at about 1.5 years old after she was returned to the rescue we got her from for “unknown’ reasons. We can’t have people over the house as she goes after everyone and with a bite history we feel we can’t trust her not to attack again. Her first bite was of a doggie daycare employee who was turned away from her and bent over so totally unprovoked. They didn’t report her but we were asked not to come back. Her second bite was our fault bc a stranger came up on a walk and stuck his hands in her face before we could stop it (6 months ago). She is on high alert all the time and is destructive to items and herself if we leave the house. We have tried a lot with the separation anxiety including meds. We had to leave the other night and gave her trazadone. We came to a bloody mess and urination, drool etc. we plan to take her to the vet soon to talk about resources but my husband is at his whit’s end. Maybe we could have done more but we feel we are out of depth and she is suffering in this environment. I have left out a lot of details for length but am happy to answer any questions. I am asking what the realistic odds are of a part pit with a bite history and severe separation anxiety getting rehomed. We know her sitter would take her in but I feel like I’m opening her to risk. Any thoughts are welcome. Please try not to judge. It’s very stressful for everyone-especially the dog. Thanks.