Rapture or?

Hello. I'm a first poster so please be kind.

I have been studying Christ Consciousness (so named because of all the people who have achieved it, Jesus is the most remembered and recorded).

Jesus was able to perform miracles, walk on water, and also disappeared three days after he died, but also reappeared before he ascended to the Father (the Source of our oneness).

The theory is that we all possess these powers, however we have been programmed to believe that we don't, and many of the things that we put in our bodies have caused our pineal glands to become blocked. I do believe this is intentional. The pineal gland is where these power reside.

I truly believe God is within us all, and that is our connection, our oneness. My belief was strengthened when I read that our DNA has strands that are grouped in a way that, according to the Hebrew alphabet which assigns a number to each letter, spells out YHWH.


Here's the part that may upset some people. I would truly like your opinion on this. Could it be possible that the Rapture may actually be us finally achieving Christ Consciousness and leaving to join the Source? I await your discourse good or bad. Thank you.