recurring nightmares about cohabitation

i own an african fat tail named Ponzu and a crested gecko named Soba, both in their own separate bioactive enclosures. i've had them for about 4 years now, and every once in a while i have an awful dream about them being in the same enclosure that's sort of a big combination of the ones they're in irl. not only that but after taking a closer look i realize there are dozens and dozens of fat tails and cresties (dead and alive) hiding in this enclosure, and i start pulling them out to no end. and theres biting and fighting and hissing and scurrying and tails are being dropped and i cant find Soba or Ponzu in there for the life of me. and the other geckos are getting loose because i don't have anywhere to put them and i wake up in a sweat

do these kinda dreams happen to anyone else? i'd say i get them 5-6 times a year from what i remember