Current fans wouldn’t have appreciated OG queens

Jade Jolie would’ve gotten in trouble for body shaming Alyssa’s back rolls, people would have felt bad for mimi getting ganged up on, etc etc.

The current fan base is too sensitive, queens are afraid to be queens and when they do, they get hate campaigns. If the og queens came on as new queens today I think they would get rejected by a lot more fans this go around.

Random shower thought

Edit for clarity: yes I know many queens were viciously bullied back in the day. I’m not referring to real drama, I’m referring to playful reading and shade. Like Lexie love says in season 17, there’s girls you can’t play with like that because they’re too sensitive. I think this has spread in the fan base as well, and that a lot of classic shady quotes wouldn’t be as popular because people would be more offended now.