Letter to my ex


I just kind of want someone to read this at this point and I really hope one day you think of me or stumble across this. I’m sorry talking to me makes you so anxious and I wish it didnt. I miss when we were friends so much man, I’d never trade anything for the years I spent with you but I really wish I could have more, you know? Thankyou for really teaching me a lot of shit, we were both really unhealthy and I hate that because I feel like we were ultimately perfect for eachother. I’m sorry I was always so angry and made you think it was ur job to fix me or take care of me, it’s not . I’m sorry I had so much fucked up shit that got in the way because we really were perfect at times. And I remember all of the bad all of it, but I know we were growing past it just so much stupid shit kept seeing us back. I hope you’re happy and safe and love yourself now how you always should’ve. I hope you love yourself more than I love you because you deserve it (and I’ll love you forever and it’s so big) I’m not mad at you for hating me, I’m sad because even when I’m not sad or having fun, you’re still the person I’d most often like to tell it to or share It with and I know that feeling isn’t mutual. I realize that our relationship meant a lot more to me then you because I still see you as an extension of the family I’d never had and I would do anything for you ( besides leave you alone I guess) but I love you. I’m sorry I wasn’t what you needed and vice versa. I know me leaving you was a good decision, I just wish it wasn’t permanent . I love you so much and you are so beautiful. Thankyou for being my rock and my home for so long and allowing me to build confidence and to know what unconditional love feels like. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I hope your mom is good and I texted her happy birthday, I hope that’s okay. You’ll never read this and I’ll never get to talk to you again, and that’s terrible. I love you hun bun forever and ever.

Momo ❤️