A teacher has targeted me and my friend

So basically me and my friend go to a private school, and there is this one teacher that absolutely hates us for no reason. She teaches like shit, and doesn't allow questions or comments about the lesson. Moreover, she always says to fellow students that she is getting annoyed when someone raises their hand to speak. Today, both of us (me and my friend), answered a question that was assigned for us I the weekend. I was first and then it was him. Both were stopped in the middle and sent back to our seats since our answer was out of topic. Btw all other students wrote the same topic and answer with us. After the lesson ended, classmates came to us to ask us how that happened, and that they didn't agree with the teacher.

Second period comes up, the teacher states that she is sick, and shouldn't come to school, but she did since we have lost so many hours since she was sick in the start of the first semester. She asked us to not cough 💀, but she did whole lesson. Afterwards, she went to get some papers and the whole class started coughing like crazy 🤣...

Anyways, what should I do? She is absolutely terrible and Every day I come to school, I always feel down since I gotta see her everyday...