Adult bracing changed my life

I (28F) have now had a Scolibrace, named Bob Bentson the Back Brace for one year and I'd love to share my journey and progress with you all. This post is also for every time I've had to read a comment that "bracing isn't for adults". Here is your proof, that it very well can be.

I began having chronic back pain in my late teens and was officially diagnosed with 10° scoliosis at age 20. At 24, my curve was at 15°, my pain was persistent but overall unchanging. I regularly saw a physio and a osteopath to help manage the pain. In 2022, at 26, I began to experience significant leg and hip pain including neuropathy. I had to limit my physical activity as it became difficult to walk and I started to ask myself if this was my pain now at 26, how many more years could I stand it for. I had another EOS in August 2022, my curve had shifted to 25° and one of my vetebra had rotated enough that nerves were being compromised.

Desperate to do something to get my life back, I accepted my physios referral to Scolicare and began exercise physiology in October 2022. I was able to regain some function but still spent every day in some degree of pain. In May 2023, I relented, and agreed to get a Scolibrace. And so Bob Bentson the Back Brace attached himself to my waist.

Adult bracing was not a decision made lightly, it's a lot of money, considerations around work, social obligations and just a huge commitment. My only regret, is not doing it sooner. Bob absolutely gave me my life back, I can go well over a month without needing to take pain medication, go for days when I suddenly realise nothing hurts. He's allowed me to think more about the future, make plans to travel and be more spontaneous in physical activities I undertake.

I'm now at a stage where I wear Bob, somewhere between 4 to 8 hours a day and take weekends off. Sure, bracing won't permanently reduce my scoliosis significantly (although on my out of brace scans there's around a 5° reduction). However, engaging in specialist scoliosis care and bracing has had an enormously positive impact on my life.

There's been more to my recovery and physical improvement aside from just exercise physiology and bracing. I also took up swimming and pilates about six months ago, which has helped build core muscle strength. But they allowed me to do this as they taught me how to hold and correct my posture during physical activity.

For anyone considering adult bracing with a Scolibrace, if it's been recommended - do it.