Th power of saying no !

I want to discuss a peculiar pattern in my social interactions. As an average guy with average game, I find myself in situations where girls show interest in me at parties or bars. Despite initiating conversations most of the time, I tend to lose interest once it becomes clear that the girls like me, though i can't quite pinpoint the reason for this behavior. It's as if I believe that impressing the girl is the end goal for me. On occasion,i receive invitations to a girl's place or she proposes coming to mine, both of which decline. This act of rejection brings me a sense of fulfillment, especially when refusing advances for intimacy. I notice that each time I say no to sexual advances there's a part of me that enjoys witnessing the reactions it elicits from the girls. This inclination isn't about their physical appearance but rather my own tendencies. seem to derive a satisfaction from turning down girls and observing their responses. I'm curious if anyone else has encountered similar experiences and would appreciate insights into why I engage in this behaviour .

Thank you...