Only 13 yet have very bad depression

Im trying to get my life together as im very depressed even at 13 and spend all day on games. I have no idea how i can fix everything as I’ve tried a lot already.

I really need new indoor hobbies as I play on my ps5 for 6-7 hours a day, and I’ve tried reading, ukelele, comics, tech dechs, chess as I used to be 1200 rated on but I get bored of them all. Not even games are enjoyable for me I just have nothing else to do. I do some outdoor sports like football and rock climbing but that only takes up 7-8 hours per week in total.

I have asked for a keyboard(instrument one not for like pc) and some art stuff for Christmas but I’m not if they will help

Can people please recommend anything to help whether it be a hobby idea, general tip or anything else.

Please and thank u