Dads of r/simracing - When did you get the time to race?

I'm a new Dad, my son is about 3 months old and takes all of our time and attention. I'm not knocking that, I love him to pieces and totally accept that I won't have much time for myself for the forseeable future.

I am having racing withrawls. I was just getting really into simracing the few months prior to him coming into this world and am really looking forward to get back into it. With him being a baby - there just isn't enough time to get a good session in. I can get an hour or so here or there, but that isn't really enough time to get really into the zone and put in some good laps.

My wife and I take turns watching him, but when we're not watching him, we're generally doing chores, running errands or trying to squeeze in a nap.

So I guess my question is really at what age were you actually able to start getting a few hours of free time to race?