Sleep train for 2 year old

My daughter was a great sleeper for about a year. But then we took an international trip and the time zone difference and constant co-sleeping changed everything. She also outgrew her crib, so on top of everything we also had to change to a floor bed. It was incredibly stressful, feeling like my evenings were taken away from me and dreading bedtime as it would take 1-2 hours for her to finally fall asleep. For 2 months, my husband and I tried so many things with little success.

Checking in every 10 minutes: This method seemed to make her cry harder and harder. We would often do this twice and then feel so bad that we'd just go in and end up sleeping next to her until she fell asleep.

Chair method & Sleep lady shuffle: spent about a week sitting on a chair for 1 hour+ while our daughter bounced around her room with 0 desire to sleep. We didn't make any progress with this method over the week.

100 walks: We couldn't even attempt this method properly as our daughter would become inconsolable really quickly and just lie down on the floor to cry.

Visual sleep chart: We've had a pretty consistent bedtime routine since she was little, so we turned that into a series of photos to visualize it for her. While cute, I don't think this did anything to help us. We still have it up though.

Accepting our faith and trying to enjoy co-sleeping: This got me through some tough nights. But bedtime remained stressful, and while I enjoyed the cuddles, about half of the time I would end up falling asleep myself and waking up groggy around midnight.

Moving bedtime back: this just resulted in us sleeping even later as bedtime still took 1-2 hours.

No screentime before bedtime: We started doing this more consciously and we still do this about ~hr before bed. I also dim the lights a little bit. Maybe it helps, but this alone didn't affect the painful bedtime.

We finally did cry it out and it worked like a miracle. We had been putting it off because our toddler crying was really difficult to handle. And the first night, she cried for a whole hour. At which point, we went in, gave her a hug, said it's time to go to sleep, then left again. Then on the baby monitor we saw her get up again, cry a little bit, but then walk back into her bed and tuck herself in!!! The next few days:

Day 1: 1 hour, 6 minutes
Day 2: 17 minutes
Day 3: 30 minutes
Day 4: 16 minutes
Day 5: 13 minutes
Day 6: 16 minutes
Day 7 & 8: no crying, just said night night and went to bed

The first night was absolutely terrible, and I wanted to give up. But I'm glad we persisted because she's sleeping well again. Hope this helps anyone else going through something similar.