Do I really need an FEI/EIN for LLC?
So I just created an LLC in Florida about a week ago. Let me also add that I am the sole owner of the LLC. I did a bunch of research beforehand and everything I read said I do not NEED an FEI/EIN when I create an LLC because I can just use my SSN for everything which I would prefer to do, but when I received the confirmation email it said:
"To maintain "active" status with the Division of Corporations, an annual report must be filed yearly between January 1st and May 1st beginning in the year following the file date or effective date indicated above. A Federal Employer Identification Number (FEI/EIN) will be required when this report is filed."
Do I really NEED and FEI/EIN just to file this report or can I use my SSN for this as well? Thank you so much to all who respond, I'm new to this and don't want to make a mistake.