Toe -> Heel turn struggles (Goofy rider)
Been snowboarding around two weeks, have made some decent progression in that time as I have been going frequently, but I'm struggling to take the next step with fluidity. I can go from heel to toe smoothly and keep and really thin line in the snow, just by leading over the board really early while the board is doing its initial turn. But when I then go from Toe back to heel, I seem to over rotate, stopping me from practicing the smooth edge transitions, and also sometimes feel the top left corner of the border clip the snow which is a horrible feeling. Im dont get how I can be so smooth and clean for one and the opposite for the other. This is not aided by the rental boots having some heel lift which is also off putting. Just looking for some advice.
The slope is also quite steep so picking up speed is very easy.
I got the edge change on one run multiple times very smoothly at some speed but have not been able to replicate it since, major fluke
Just looking for some advice/tricks. This would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys