Slay the spire, Elder scrolls, Dead Cells…What board game implementation of a video game do you want to see?

Title says it all.

Board game adaptations of video games are killing it this year (near as I can tell). Slay the Spire and Dead Cells have been received very well. When Elderscrolls is fully out I suspect the same. I’ve also heard wonderful things about Fallout (with the expansions).

I’m most looking forward to the board game adaptation of Blasphemous (a metroidvania). From what I’ve seen on there pre-crowdfunding postings it’s looking very good.

What games are you interested in seeing adapted from video games?

And what will be the first video game adaptation of a boardgame that was adapted from a video game? Confused…well thinking about Dead Cells board game, I could totally see that as a digital adaptation.