I stan Maddi and Joe and I can’t help it!!
Title says it all, blame it on my Venus in Scorpio but I love a mans who’s obsessed with his girl 😆😂
I feel like so many comments in this sub saying how creepy he is, controlling, obsessive, immature and I’m just like damn then y’all haven’t had a man who truly wants every part of you and it shows lmfaoooo. I get he’s not for everyone, but I live for a girlie getting loved on and I think he really is a good match for her. So if it’s meant to be, I hope it all works out for them. I know they’re still pretty young but it’s nice to see their scenes especially in comparison to Emmy and Will’s scenes…those just hurt 😪
I think Maddi is still pretty traumatized from her last relationship where that dude didn’t give a fuck about her and gaslit her all the time. It’s hard to work through that and I think Joe will be patient with her. I was always on the fence about him but watching that last episode gave me heart eyes lmfao I’m a simp.
On a completely unrelated note…did ya’ll catch Emmy smoking a cig…oof.