Urgent advice needed! Please help.

I am in the process of renovating a cabin.

I disturbed at least two adolescent squirrels when removing the ceiling yesterday.

I had checked the attic for wildlife twice but they are too small to be vocal and were too tiny to see before taking the ceiling down.

As soon as I saw them, I stopped removing the ceiling and started building a new home in the rafters of the porch (right next to their current entrance to the attic, so that I can convince them to move out of the home but keep them protected.

I am assuming they are orphaned because I have seen no adults. It is really cold here right now and I am worried they will abandon the area, or get eaten by a predator or attacked by another squirrel in their new home if I lure them in there with food.

I am holding off on removing any more of the ceiling until I make a safe and secure home on the porce but I want to know if I am doing the right thing or if anyone has advice on proceeding.

I feel really bad removing their home in the middle of winter. If it was an adult animal I would trap it and move it to another building that I won't have time to renovate until spring, but they are too tiny to be put in a new environment. Big enough to climb around, not big enough to chirp or evade predators.