[SPOILERS] there's a bit of a problem with scar returning

Now don't get me wrong, It's pretty neat that he returned, But here's the thing, Scar should have been dead because iirc beanpolev said that his nervous system would fry and he would die from a third emmision/repeated emmision exposure, after being lucky from the first and being extremely lucky with the second, that to me would cause conflict to the lore because Im not sure if what beanpolev said was wrong or if scar was granted the anomalous magical ability to survive emissions, in addition scar looked old, While it is unknown how old he really is, I don't think he would be able to continue working as a mercenary a decade later even if he were to survive the emission at the end of CS. It just feels confusing on how he's not dead yet from surviving emissions and from old age

What do you guys think?

Now don't get me wrong, It's pretty neat that he returned, But here's the thing, Scar should have been dead because iirc beanpolev said that his nervous system would fry and he would die from a third emmision/repeated emmision exposure, after being lucky from the first and being extremely lucky with the second, that to me would cause conflict to the lore because Im not sure if what beanpolev said was wrong or if scar was granted the anomalous magical ability to survive emissions, in addition scar looked old, While it is unknown how old he really is, I don't think he would be able to continue working as a mercenary a decade later even if he were to survive the emission at the end of CS. It just feels confusing on how he's not dead yet from surviving emissions and from old age

What do you guys think?