I’m kinda disgusted with how many of you were cheering on the new policy.

That’s it really. When this new “you have to purchase shit to use any of our facilities or get a damn water” thing was first announced I saw SOOO many comments cheering it on. Saying they get annoyed how many teenagers and homeless people use it.

As if this isn’t going to affect people who don’t have any spare money and just wanna damn water or to use the damn bathroom.

God forbid someone wants to get a water when it’s 120 degrees out in Arizona.

God forbid someone needs to use the bathroom and Starbucks is the only place with an open bathroom.

God forbid Starbucks be a third place like it has advertised itself as for years.

That’s all. Some of you are petty af on this sub. Most of you are alright though.

EDIT: gonna update this since there are too many comments to respond too.

First off yeah I’m from a nicer area, doesn’t mean I haven’t had to clean shit and piss off the toilet. Doesn’t mean people don’t do drugs in the bathroom. Hell most of the time it’s paying customers who do this stuff. People are gonna do drugs no matter what, this policy isn’t going to magically going to end that. It just means the guy wanting to shoot up heroin is gonna but a pike first then dump it out in the sink.

Plus where in our policy does it state we can’t kick people out or call the cops for shooting up drugs in our bathrooms? You all are acting like you didn’t have the power to do that before when I’ve gladly kicked people out for pissing on our patio or rolling tobacco in our lobby.

Second I’m against this because it’s blatantly anti-consumer, and is Starbucks’s way of wringing every little penny out of people. Having open bathrooms and having water be free may not be an “industry standard” but the industry standard sucks then. Water is a fucking human right.

Finally this is like using a nuke to take kill a cockroach. Overkill and now it’s the problem of people who don’t deserve it.

I get it, I fucking hate some of my customers too. But I’m not gonna be a petty and deny them water or a bathroom to use. And I’m not gonna tell a poor ass college student, or a homeless person “nah you can’t sit here you gotta buy an overpriced coffee or rice krispy bar,” especially if it’s burning hot or freezing cold out.

This country is slowly turning into a capitalistic hellscape, and I completely understand why some of you are for this policy, but I’m not gonna agree with charging money for every little act a human does.