Cleaning out Key Collection - Part 3
Season's greetings, everyone. I've managed to gather a sizeable sack of gamekeys, by far the majority of which I'll never even consider using. They're almost all small, cheap indies, but hopefully some of y'all can make use of some of them.
Rover Mechanic Simulator
House of 1000 Doors: Evil Inside
GARAGE: Bad Trip
Lacuna - A Sci-Fi Noir Adventure
Duck Legend
Five Dates
Children of Silentown
Pick up to 3 of the above 10 games in your post, and tell me who you'll be spending the holidays (if you celebrate them) with this year.
I'll find 10 winners of 1 game each (if enough people partake and pick all different 10 games) at noon EST tomorrow the 9th of December.
EDIT: Woops, forgot to change the question added to the selecting games. Sorry about that, I'll try to remember for the next one.
EDIT 2 - The Editing: Winners found, keys sent. The fortunate few are Photographer_Rob, Tommy28829, therealmrj05hua, Affectionate-League9, Franchesconi--2005, NGSkel, deathlymermaid, woman_noises, Express-Pandas, Mortuary_Guy.