Are there any women actually attracted to the aesthetic of a dad bod?
Disclaimer: no, Jason momoa didn't have a dad bod in that pic. He had the body of a bodybuilder on his bulk. Yes, dad bods have muscle, but not steroid muscles like momoa. His body is not achievable without steroids.
Every time I see a question posted that's asking women what their favorite body type is, I see women expressing all manner of preferences. However, different body type preferences seem to have different reasons behind them. Muscular/athletic/lean bodies are liked for aesthetic purposes. When it comes to dad bods, I've literally never seen a woman saying that she likes the aesthetic. It always comes down to one or multiple of the same few reasons;
Conveys a more laid back/less egotistical additude
Muscular bodies make them feel insecure, and like they need to keep up, or they will be cheated on
They think conventionally attractive men won't like them, so they go for dad bod guys
Better for cuddling
I've never seen a woman say that she likes the way a dad bod looks. EVER. It's always for the reasons I listed above. Am I just blind? Are there women who actually find it sexually attractive from a purely physical standpoint?
Before anyone comes in with the obligatory "personality is more important," yes, it is, I'm not denying that. Personality plays a part in attractiveness. However, I don't want to ONLY be attractive for personality. I want to be attractive for BOTH physical appearance AND personality. I don't want a woman to date me IN SPITE of my appearance. I want my partner to find me irresistibly attractive, and men who are only attractive for their personalities usually are not irresistible to their partners.
Also, I don't want to come across as hating women. If you're a woman and you aren't physically attracted to dad bods, that's OK, it doesn't make you a bad person, and you aren't obligated to change what you find attractive.