People (men) act incredibly weird around me, is this a theme for other tall women?
I'm 19 and 6'0 and I've realized something with my college interactions. Strangers stare but when you talk to them they act shifty and seem to have a difficult time making eye contact. I try to joke with guys in my classes/clubs to make friends and they seem uncomfortable. Before college either guys would act awkward like this or seem to assign me a "man role" and bully me relentlessly, but that may have just been playground behavior. This is not a man-hate post, but I do sometimes wonder if men just don't like me. I can't tell if I am either extremely ugly or have a RBF (maybe both) so I want to know if other girls have this problem. I'm introverted but I do try to converse with people and I wonder if I also come off as too intimidating just by the nature of not being shy. All my friends have tripped and fallen into relationships and I have never gotten close to one with anyone, despite the fact that I try to reach out and am into stereotypically male hobbies and interests. Tips? Does it go away after a certain age?