Love of the S********nnnnnnn
(warning: internet user & lurker actually produced a thought. i know. shocking.) (i hope this is the right flair, too.)
So. I’m sure everyone’s wondered at some point (or not, idfk man, its just music), what the fuck does this lyric mean in &?, What was it supposed to be? we’ve hit the point wherein we just kinda accepted the fact that its there, and we have no clue to why (other than.. its the hall and the hawl.) but all we know is that.. it says either “Sun” or “Son”. This shit caused some people to argue whether the lyric is either sun or son. But what if that was the point? To have 2 sides? One half believing it’s “Son” & another believing it’s “Sun”? Maybe that was why it’s there. To make another perspective for &, and repeating some sort of cycle, of 2 sides believing one is right, with the other wrong, or 2 sides showing opposition. Maybe that’s the true reason for the ‘*’ and the uncertainty of that introduction’s lyric.
idk man im probably high as fuck rn. ive listened to & on loop for way too long. Also im almost certain im not the only person who’s thought of this too
(TL;DR or if brain refuses to work today: “Love of the s*n” causes 2 different perspectives of the same lyric, making another &, and might be the reason to why its there, but that’s just an opinion/conclusion by yours truly.)