Right, that’s me. Thank you for an incredible 12 years (read post)

As all of you die hard fans know that today was the day we all dreaded… the death of our beloved game :( Some of us were prepared leading to this day, but some of us, including me, was not. I was trying hard to find things to hold on to in hopes to prolong this but it’s all to no avail.

I just want to say thank you. Out of all the games I’ve played in my life this one is the best, the community, the fun, the creativity behind this just made sense. I don’t thing realistically anyone could have prepared for this as much as we think due to different reasons.

I’m sorry to those people who have had friends and family who have passed away who played the game, even though they weren’t there in person… their creativity lived on in their towns.

I hope you all had the best years on this game and for the love of god got screenshots and screen recordings of your towns to get that nostalgia whenever you miss your town.

For the last time ladies and gentlemen, have a brilliant life. Happy tapping

As all of you die hard fans know that today was the day we all dreaded… the death of our beloved game :( Some of us were prepared leading to this day, but some of us, including me, was not. I was trying hard to find things to hold on to in hopes to prolong this but it’s all to no avail.

I just want to say thank you. Out of all the games I’ve played in my life this one is the best, the community, the fun, the creativity behind this just made sense. I don’t thing realistically anyone could have prepared for this as much as we think due to different reasons.

I’m sorry to those people who have had friends and family who have passed away who played the game, even though they weren’t there in person… their creativity lived on in their towns.

I hope you all had the best years on this game and for the love of god got screenshots and screen recordings of your towns to get that nostalgia whenever you miss your town.

For the last time ladies and gentlemen, have a brilliant life. Happy tapping