I'm 20 Now, So Goodbye

Well here it is, the day I thought was ages and ages away. It finally caught up with me. I joined this sub in 2020 when I was 15 which means as of today my fifth and final year here is over. So much has changed in these 5 years, for me personally and this sub.

So what do I have to say after all these years? Well I won't lie to you and say that your teen years are the best years of your life, lord knows some of mines were pretty bad, but what I will say is, enjoy the time you have right now if you can, because it'll be gone faster than you realise, and don't constantly compare the present to past nostalgia, because you'll end up just framing all your recent memories as negative or inferior.

Anyways, here are some people I want to give some thanks and recognition to

u/Akikoo-Chan I don't know why or how but you always managed to appear in my homefeed. Though our conversations were brief, they were fun nevertheless.

u/Stardust9237xx I know you aren't on reddit anymore so it's probably better saying this over discord but I might as well say it here, anyways. Thanks for being my friend these past 3 years, it means a lot to me and here's to another 3 years.

u/Nightwarper You're also inactive these days, but I wanted to say thanks for inviting me to gamers are lizards. It was fun while it lasted even if it didn't last long. Hey we got featured in subreddit drama so I guess we accomplished something lol

Anyways, this post has been long enough and I can already see the "I ain't reading allat" comments so I'll leave you all with this. Thank you for the memories, and goodbye.