Any other therapists here realize through their own training how toxic their spouse is?

His behavioral issues are unhinged, he can’t manage his stress whatsoever. When he is busy with work his whole world stops and he can’t even take care of our children or do the simplest things.

*constantly spiraling, pacing, on loud speakerphone calls. *sleeps in common areas so I feel the need to be quiet in the morning when I get up *gets very annoyed with noise in common areas, but will not go to any of the 3 offices he built for himself in our home because they are filled with junk. *consistently takes on extra projects at work and then rants for days about how he does so much, but no one recognizes him. *jealous of my best friend (who is a woman), says jealous things about her and excuses it by saying he “just misses me.” *not ever fully present but has double standards, expects others to be fully present for him *complains most of the day and then tries to cover it up with frail fake “upspeak.”

I’m exhausted and just waiting for my kids to get older to make some moves. I love my job as a therapist but I’m so tired of him expecting that I’m his therapist too. I can’t believe I put up with this for so many years.