How did you know you actually liked being a therapist?
I’m two months into my first real job as a full time, 1 on 1 therapist. People ask me how I’m liking it and…I don’t know? I can’t tell if I am unsure because I’m so inexperienced and uncertain of how I’m doing or if I actually just don’t like the work. There are some clients I find very easy to talk to and others that I feel like are just not meshing well (I’m in CMH so every client is very different). My clients are also all virtual and I feel mentally and physically drained doing these sessions every day. It also feels isolating not getting to socialize with coworkers during the day like in my last career because I’m squirreled away in my little office. Does anyone remember feeling this way when they first started out? Did it ever go away or is this a sign that I’m not meant to be a therapist?