Feel like I blew every session today 😢

Idk what was wrong but I could not get my words right today/and could not think of good responses and good interventions to an extent. Idk if other therapists have "bad days?" I was not stressed, in fact the opposite as the stressor from last week was gone. Some days I am on fire and have all the "right " responses but today was one of those days where I didn't know what to say. Of course I had a response, it just...idk. I kept restarting my sentences, was asked to clarify a few times , felt like I sucked. Then, pissed someone off. He said he is trying to stay off the news but felt that was a band aid/ long term solution. I used the CBT what can I no longer do technique where I said " one way people can have separation from these issues is to think about all the things that the political news does not change for you, does not change for your family, or does not change for people you know " person got upset and thought that meant not caring and was like so should I just say the hell with other people then. I explained not caring is different than ruminating on something you cannot change -introduced acceptance. Tried to explain being sad over the news does not lead to anything productive.