Is there any doctor or researcher here?

I am convinced that this is a problem in the brain and not in the ears

I know exactly why my T started and when it started, I could even tell you with the date and time

I was under treatment with lithium, carbamazepine and fluoxetine and foolishly decided to consume hallucinogenic mushrooms (psilocybin)

It is well known that psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, fluoxetine does too, the mechanisms of action of lithium and carbamazepine are not well known

But that mixture was like a bomb for my brain and as soon as the psilocybin started to take effect I felt a pressure in my head and then the tinnitus started for the first time in my life, I had a panic attack and decided to take alprazolam to sleep and see if when I woke up everything had been solved

But it was not, even 4 weeks later I still have my T

I went to the ENT and he said he had never seen any such beautiful and healthy ears

All this tells me that there is probably some area of ​​my brain that was damaged, the thing is that you can't open the brain and see what happened...

I guess that's why T remains so unknown

I've been almost obsessively researching information on tinnitus on the internet but the information is very basic, I'm willing to try any supplement, treatment or technique, because I'm starting to think that my T will never go away