I don’t do enough

ETA: I meant to add this for context but my husband is a first generation immigrant from India. His family is considered liberal considered to the rest of his relatives. Definitely conservative for American standards.

I don’t even know where to start. My husband decided to tell me what’s been on his mind last night…

I don’t do enough for our kids (toddler mostly). Here are the things he wants (he worlds from home). Let me know if I’m being unreasonable for not being able to do all this: I have two kids a 2.5 yo and 6 month old baby.

  • wake up at 5 to workout
  • wake my toddler at 6
  • Cook three fresh meals a day (a prepped frozen breakfast is okay)
  • pick up fresh groceries daily for dinner
  • take my toddler to two activities a day
  • keep the house clean with not clutter all day
  • never let laundry pile up
  • homeschool my toddler during our baby’s first nap
  • start teaching my toddler to read
  • potty train our daughter (I’ve tried three times she just keeps going in her underwear no matter what)
  • take care of myself
  • bring him water and a snack every two hours to help manage his gut health
  • wake up through the night to soothe our toddler and baby
  • lay with our toddler until she falls asleep

I have about fallen behind on managing the household because our kids and myself have been sick since thanksgiving. I’m fucking exhausted I do so much for our kids and family but it’s just not enough. Is this even possible? Whenever I tel him why I can’t do something he just says all I do is find excuses not to. I barely get four hours of sleep. I know I’ve forgotten a few things he’s wanted too. Whenever he says I want to start doing something what he means is he wants me to do it for him and make sure I meet what ever demand he has for example brining him his vitamins.