Idk anymore.

My almost 3 year old (she’s 3 in April) is pushing me to points I didn’t know I had. She’s our second but she’s soooo unlike our first. I’m at my end. I texted my husband that I had to leave when he got home before I physically hurt her. Do I think I actually would have. No, but did I feel like a wanted to? YES. She fought me in the car leaving the park. Then when we got home her sister set the table and made her a plate of food. And when this wasn’t to my toddlers liking because she wanted MY plate she threw hers. I picked her up took her to her room put her in her bed turned the light off and shut the door. In the moment I needed space between us. At this point I’m meeting her aggression with aggression which Is showing her aggression is ok and it’s NOT. But trying to talk her through things trying to get her to breath trying to get her to understand is like beating a dead horse. I’m in the fitting room at target crying and writing this because I’m so over fighting and yelling. Everyone always says “she’s just fiesty” ok cool but her firstyNess is going to put me in an early grave.