Bretonnia deserves DLC and expanded map.
Hi, Bretonnia is the nearest thing to Total war Medieval, which fans may have in this game. It lacks a few units and bigger map.
The units would not change Bretonnia playstyle, but would suit it, fill gaps and make it more interesting.
A) Army:
- Legendary lord - Reynard the Hunter or Bohemond Beastslayer or Amalric of Gaudaron
- Lgendary hero - Bertrand the Brigand – archer similar to Markus Wulfhart.
- Hero - Faceless – melee assasin/mage hybrid, without arcane conduit, but with access to horse and pegasus mounts, shadow spells, ability to hide units around him for a time (ability similar to Skarsnik's Tricksy traps) or constant (like Master of the Sacred Planes of Coatl). Ability based on lore from history of Calard, where invisible Bretonnians attack Norscans -\_of\_Garamont#The\_Rescue.
- The lost sons (or maybe Grail champions sounds better) - they would be ultimate bretonnian line breaker, a small (necropolis knights size) and strongest unit of cavalry with some attributes of the Green Knight (could be: armour piercing, magical attacks, terror, vanguard, unbreakable, physical resi, strider). They could use skeleton of demigryph knights, but mounts model could be lake lions, which could be imagined as giant otters. Their weakness would be low number of entities, high price and 0 armor, similarly to hex wraiths.
- Pages (or maybe squires with bows sounds better) – bows with fire arrows, decent melee combatants with bronze shields and swords and at least 30 armor.
- Herrimaults (or maybe partisans, or stalkers, or trackers sounds better) – skirmish archers like robin hood, with spears and decent combatant trait, decent leadership, no shields, but with stalk, vanguard, fire whilst moving, poison arrows, at least 25 armor and defense against large. Similar to imperial huntsmen, but generally better and especially in melee. They could look like remodeled Kossars (Spears).
- Ballista - remodeled dwarf ballista, with aflame arrows option, to be Betonnia’s anti large artillery. Could be manned by herrimaults or imperial crew. There is bretonnian city, with imperial colonists, in Arden forest – Sigmarsheim, which could be added to the map.
- Hounds – war dogs. Would have typical traits of other hound units. Models could have some armor, so the dogs could have higher armor than other hound units. Could be remodeled chaos hounds. Could look like roman war dogs – cane corso. Could be given to Dogs of war (or Southern realms) faction too, when it arrives.
In campaign, ballistas, herrimaults and faceless could have extra cost and upkeep in chivalry points, but maybe the 2 units would not affect peasant limit cap. Lost sons could require certain level of chivalry, like green knight, and could have caps limit based as usually on number of buildings.
Perhaps squires with halberds, as normal version of Beastslayers of Bastonne unit of renown, should be added.
B) Map changes:
Currently bretonnian map is small and with few enemies. It makes campaign boring. It could be made better by expanding it and giving more cities.
For example Bretonnian, like Sigmarsheim – city of migrants from Empire.
Also hostile settlements, for example skaven in Black chasm and vampires in Barrows of cuileux. They would be minor settlements (could start with third level and walls) part of Massif orcal province and have wasteland climate.
Another examples are magical forests settlements in Forest of Charons and Forest of Arden. They could belong either to beastmen (they could start there with herdstone) or wood elfs.
Interactive map near the bottom
What do you think?