Transphobe deletes post after I mention I had a tumor removed

Hello, I'm 29 and identify as Agender (AKA I don't identify with any gender), and under a post about collecting memorabilia, a transphobe Twitter/X user started to say quite uncomfortable things in rapid succession.

Text shown in the image: \"You're a nearly 30 year old woman, aren't you a bit old to be pretending not to have a gender?\", \"Thank you for ending your bloodline my gal, World is a better place now\", You can remove your uterus, but you will always be a female. Chromosomes and skeletal structure don't lie, after all\".

That same person also went through my account and scrolled more than a year worth of content to talk under my posts about when I was at the hospital for my hysterectomy surgery.

You see, 2 years prior to those posts, I got detected a tumor the size of an orange in my utherus that made me have a permanent period, which caused me several health issues, including anemia that had me bedridden for about a year. The better solution for me, due to this tumor happening due to a rare genetics condition that can cause more to grow even after the ones you have are removed, was to get rid of the whole uterus. No more bleeding out, and no more dysphoria! Win win!

So of course, when this person came to me with their debate-ending argument (It was probably briliant in their mind), I had to give them a comeback myself.

Text shown in Image: \"If gender is a social construct, why did you remove your sex organs?\", \"Because I had a tumor that was killing me\".

After this, this user didn't say anything else.

And a few minutes later, they deleted the post.

Text shown in Image: (In Spanish) \"The author of this post deleted it\".

So... I win?