Traumatizing a group of drunk guys in an alley

There is a convenience store right near my place, but you have to walk through an alley behind a pub style bar/restaurant to get there. I was on the way home from the convenience store at midnight (dumb move, but I wanted chocolate, and I can generally handle myself) and as I enter the alley I see three uni aged dudes, absolutely plastered and shirtless.

This is where I need to take a detour to explain that I am in charge of a cadet corps. Cadets, for those who are unfamiliar is basically militaristic boy scouts? Very well established systems of authority, and heavy on "youth leading youth." That is to say, I am 18 years old, no taller than 5'7 and am a woman, but I'm first in command (RSM) of a cadet corps so I've been yelling at, directing and ordering around groups of well over 100 teenagers for years.

I've been told by friends that this experience makes me a bit scary when I get angry because it "feels like you're being scolded by a drill sargeant." I've legitimately had someone I was laying into about a sexist comment respond "yes ma'am."

So, back to the alley. The second they see me, these three drunk dudes lurch towards my general direction. I'm terrified, and apparently my natural reaction to fear is to snap into RSM mode, because I immediately yell, with all the authority of someone who commands the respect of a large group of 12-18 year olds (the most evil, disrespectful demographic): "ABSOLUTELY not. You are all going to go stand with your backs to that wall and you are NOT going to move."

Now these guys were very drunk, and I was very loud, so they all just kind of freeze like deer caught in headlights. Looking back, it was absolutely hilarious but again at the time I was just scared. They're still not moving so I yell, a bit louder "WAS I NOT CLEAR? MOVE." and I kid you not they all scuttle towards the wall, looking at me like I'd bitten someone's head off.

I walk through the alley and when I get to the back gate of my place, I look back at them. They're still standing against the wall, looking at eachother like they couldn't understand what had just happened.

My housemates found this story absolutely hysterical, and insisted I post it somewhere. I honestly just hope these guys spend the rest of their lives wondering why the hell they got yelled at like a drill Sergeant by an 18 year old girl.