0.3% Adapalene transition to Tret 0.025%

Hi everyone! I am new to this sub, so please forgive me if this question is redundant or silly. I obviously understand that I’m asking this question to a biased group, but I’m curious to get peoples’ thoughts.

I grew up with fairly clear skin all throughout high school and most of college. Only recently in my mid-late twenties did I start to break out more. While I don’t have a ton of acne, I’ve been battling with a lot of PIH - every time I get a pimple, it’s basically guaranteed to leave a dark spot on my skin for several months (or longer).

I’ve previously tried curology, face reality, differin, and LRP. I only use non-fragranced, sensitive skin safe products, like Cerave, LRP, and Vanicream, as I tend to have dry skin that flakes easily.

I started seeing a dermatologist, who prescribed 0.3% adapalene after OTC LRP adapalene wasn’t working. I’ve been on the prescription since July, but I feel it doesn’t work enough. On top of that, my dermatologist recommended I try the VI Precision Plus peel, which I did and it ended up giving me even more dark marks! The small spots on the top of my cheekbones are caused by the peel.

Current AM Routine: - CeraVe cream to foam face wash - Byoma milky toner - CeraVe cream - LRP 50+ gel sunscreen (European)

Current PM: - EltaMD oil gel cleanser for makeup removal - CeraVe cream to foam face wash - CeraVe cream - 0.3% adapalene - Sometimes slug with Vaseline

I’m at my wits end, so I decided to give Nurx a try to get a tret prescription. They’re recommending starting off with 0.025% tret cream and 1% clyndamycin.

While I wait for the prescriptions to come in the mail, I am wondering - would already being on adapalene help me avoid the dreaded tret purge? Does the new prescription sound like it’ll work given I’ve already worked my way up to a higher dose of adapalene? What’s the best way to introduce the tret - 2x weekly or more? And should I use the sandwich method?

I will try to post an updated picture 3 months into the routine!