Stuck on 'Linux Fundamentals Part 2' - AM I BEING STUPID OR IS THERE A BUG

So the question is to 'SSH into the server'

I think this is supposed to be very simple, and by server I assumed they are talking about the attack box, as I can't find any other references in the question to another machine or any hints into how you would discover it's ip address.

However when I try to SSH from the attack box onto it's self, it doesn't recognise the credentials. So I ran 'cat /etc/passwd' and the given user is not listed on the machine, and assuming we aren't supposed to know how to do that yet. So I then ran 'nmap -p 22 10.10.0-255.1-254' and could see all the other hosts but nothing that looked like a server. I tried randomly connecting to one incase it had the user credentials in one of the other machhines, but had no luck.

I really don't think that we are supposed to be locating the server, I think this is supposed to be a straight forward SSH connection to yourself to prove the concept. So I am wondering if the wrong attack box has loaded for the exercise.

I could create the user and login in just to do it but I really don't think that's what is wanted. Is there some big clue to the correct server's IP address that I have missed. Oh i also tried 'ssh shiba2@parabox' but it couldn't resolve parabox.

Thanks in advance for any help have been frustrated by this for days, and completely unsure if I have completely missed something obvious despite trying to focus several times on each word.