This bot should not be on the live server

I'm talking about dux

Everyone or the vast majority has encountered this robot and already has it and already knows how it works, so let's get to the point.

in general this robot is stupid, Ami doesn't bother me when it destroys me in battle or anything, just seeing how someone destroys something so easily while it has infinite stealth, enormous damage, apart from the fact that it is immortal makes me want to stop playing until they nerf this since it is not normal and it is very, very bad. seriously this should not be in the game, at least not this strong. this really needs to be nerfed immediately.

It bothers me how my favorite game is more annoying than fun (in champion league) because those who come up with the idea of giving abilities to robots, weapons and meta titans have no brain. 🧠 I really understand that there must be strong things, but please, things that are that strong are not even worth playing.