appetite issues

Hello, Reddit, my name is Chris, and I was hoping I could get some advice. Around the start of the year I was weighing in at 130-145LBS, I’ve never had issues with WEIGHT LOSS, but I have always had problems GAINING weight. I’m not exactly sure how much I weigh now, as I’ve just moved and do not have a scale, but i assume its around 120LBS. The past few months, I have had an increasing, SIGNIFICANTLY horrendous appetite problem, the foods that I DO like, (picky eater,) I cannot seem to eat it. Im very anxious about how much I weigh, and it is concerning my family. Food makes me sick 70% of the time after eating, (nausea, never vomited over eating food), and that has played a role in making my appetite issues even harder to deal with. Is there anything at all that this sub can recommend? I drink ensure from time to time, if I absolutely cannot get a meal down, and I take a multivitamin for the ones i miss due to meal skipping.

SIDE NOTE; when I make/order food, it sounds good at the time, but when I go to eat it, I simply just can’t do it. It’s extremely depressing hearing every single day that I am “too skinny”, so any help will be very, VERY much appreciated.