How the heck do you win vs Yi
Game vs Yi top as irelia, I dog on him early 5 solo kills and his jungler too one kill. Proceeds to roam and get 3 kills, gets bork and runs me down with ult when I'm over 1k gold ahead lvl ahead and 2 items (bork + trinity) what the actual fuck. Then he proceeds to ram ult and run into our team (jungler Caitlyn trolling on the rift and all squishy picks vs Yi for some reason) and just anihilates 3 people before dying. My team fed the shit out of him but still I don't see any counterplay, I bought frozen heart + randuins (to counter his attacks and slow his AS) still nothing, no change. So, how play ?
P.S. I'm probably going to Perma ban him low ELO (plat currently) because everyone keeps feeding him.